A New Beginning

As the day comes to an end today, I’m thinking to myself; what did I do today to please God? If I think about that question carefully I realize more and more that I didn’t do anything at all really to please God today. Unless of course you want to count the factor that at mealtimes I prayed and that I listened to Joyce Meyers and some of BUG (Beautiful Unique Girls) music.

Now I can rephrase that question I asked myself and ask the following.

As the day comes to an end today, I’m thinking to myself; what did I do to please satan?

In all honesty, I did quite a bit. I’ll narrow it down to a small list for you.

  • I lied to my parents bluntly.
  • I lied to myself.
  • I lied to God.
  • I didn’t even think about God today.
  • I had some wrong thoughts about the way things should be.

Basically if you look at that list you can say I did the things satan rejoices in and the things that the Angels weep about. My mom always told me that when you do the wrong thing satan becomes happy and gains more control over you, but when you do the right thing the Angels celebrate and rejoice, which then makes satan run away for the time being until you forget to do the right thing.

My eyes really opened up when I was searching the web today for “Christian Anime” for about the 50th time. That’s when I stumbled across ephraimsauthor s page. My eyes were opened to the truth about anime, I know that I’ve watched some anime that I should never have even laid eyes on for goodness sake. Then a bigger shock was taken in after coming across    God’s Curious Princess s page. I found out that Frozen had sexual references hidden within it. That was a big shocker to me as I’ve watched it over 10 times literally.

As a future plan I want to create a little jar and fill it with prayer requests of friends and family, and of course my own also. Of course I wouldn’t just pray before bed and in the morning, I would pray at any given time of the day.

I myself have a devotional book that I use for doing devotions, but I suggest for any other growing teenager to use the devotional book called Truth & Dare. It’s basically telling us the truth about being a christian and that truth is expressed through a bible verse, it has a daily reading and at the bottom of the page there is a Dare that gets you to do something through God, then there is the Double Dare that actually makes you do something to change the community or help around the house by writing some notes or whatever the dare is. Though it’s always Christian related.

Thank you for reading, I hope to help someone else through their journey as well.

Dear God, Thank you for shining some light on the things that are in my life that were currently not visible to my eyes. Thank you for showing me that there is something earned in giving up certain things. Please take care of my family, and everyone else’s family out there. In Jesus name Amen. 


  1. God's Curious Princess · September 24, 2015

    I just have to say that this made me really happy as soon as I read it! One because I haven’t really been mentioned in a blog before and two because Jesus is using my post to open eyes. Somehow I feel like you and I have a lot in common and I feel like we would end up as really good friends. Keep the blog posting as you walk with Jesus! 🙂 God bless ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • godspreciousgirl · September 25, 2015

      I’m so happy to hear it made you happy. 🙂 God works in strange ways. I could see us becoming friends also, but as this is the start of a new journey I still will fall off track as I am trying to find the good shows and not certain anime that I used to watch. :/ Evening, sweet dreams and may God be with you.

      Liked by 1 person

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